Third Friday of the Month: The ever-popular lecture series by our friends at the Master Gardeners has returned!
Every Third Friday of the month at noon, lecturers will lead discussions on gardening and horticulture topics of all sorts in our Taylor Auditorium.
Here are the specifics, as provided by the Master Gardeners themselves:
Jan. 19th- “Growing the Longview Arboretum: The Good, The Bad & The Muddy”. Steve Chamblee, Executive Director, Longview Arboretum, brings a fast-paced behind-the-scenes look at the development of the Arboretum from a pipe dream to a beautiful garden.
Feb 16th- “Things I Wish I Had Learned Sooner”. Baxter Williams, Master Rosarian, American Rose Society, gives a light-hearted look at the right information about rose horticulture against the historical lore that has been passed down.
Mar. 15th- “Texas Superstar.” Lynette Sewell, Master Gardener, will discuss the Texas Superstar program in which every effort is made to ensure that highlighted plants will perform well for Texas consumers.
Apr. 19th- “Tried & True: New & Different, Plants to Try to Find and Use in Your Garden.” Keith Hansen, former Extension Horticulture Agent in Smith County, will help us discover plants that may not be familiar to us, or, maybe they are.
May 17th- “Bloom Where You Are Planted: Make Your Garden Fit Your Life.” David Gary, Master Gardener, gives an inspiring presentation that serious gardening is possible despite physical limitations.
These workshops will be held at the Tyler Public Library, located at 201 S. College Ave., Tyler, TX, 75702, 903-593-7323.