August 1, 2019 @ 10:30 am – 11:30 am
Goodman LeGrand Museum
624 North Broadway Avenue
Tyler, Texas, 75702
United States
624 North Broadway Avenue
Tyler, Texas, 75702
United States
Goodman LeGrand Museum

The Goodman-LeGrand Museum is located at 624 N. Broadway, Downtown Tyler. For more information contact gmuseum@tylertexas.com, call (903)531-1286, or go to parksandrec.cityoftyler.org. Museum hours are Tuesday-Saturday, 10am-4pm. They are closed on Sunday and Monday. Admission is free; there is a $2 donation suggested. Goodman-LeGrand Museum will host these events this month:
Every Tuesday morning behind the museum, Stories on the Lawn will be held. This storytime is for children 0-10 years. Admission is free.