2025 Historic Tyler on Tour
Since 1981, Historic Tyler on Tour has been our nonprofit organization’s largest annual fundraiser. Over 200 homeowners have graciously opened their historic homes to the public to showcase the benefits (and beauty) of historic preservation.
2025 Tour
The 2025 Historic Tyler on Tour will feature four homes showcasing Mid-Century designs as the Pollard Residential Historic District is in the final stages of the nomination process to be listed in the National Register of Historic Places.
Tour dates/hours will be Saturday, March 29th (10am-5pm) and Sunday, March 30th (1pm-5pm).
Tickets are $25 each for non-members and $15 each for members.
Online ticket sales close Mar. 24, 2025 at 5pm. Tickets after this date will be $25 each at the door.
2025 Tour Homes:
918 E. Watkins St. (1953 Colonial Revival Ranch)
2803 Pounds Ave. (1955 Standard Ranch) (Wilcox)
3400 Woodbine Blvd. (1955 Colonial Revival Ranch) (Gregory)
3334 Allen Ave. (1968 Spanish Ranch)
Candlelight Garden Party
To kick off the annual Historic Tyler on Tour weekend, the Candlelight Garden Party and Tour will be hosted by Suzanne and Brad Curtis at 3117 Dinah Lane in the Pollard neighborhood.
Join us for heavy hors d’oeuvres, live music, a photo booth, and a tour of their lovely 1955 International Ranch-style home (home tour from 7pm-8:30pm).
Tickets are $150 for non-members and $125 for members. Ages 21+.
Note: A candlelight ticket includes a weekend tour ticket.
Ride the Tour
Use code HTOT to receive 15% off an e-bike rental during the tour weekend (March 29-30).
Tour tickets and e-bike rental tickets must be purchased separately. A 3-hour or 4-hour rental is suggested to allow time to visit all four tour homes. Note: This is a self-guided tour. Ride Tyler staff will NOT be accompanying patrons on this ride.
Click here to reserve your e-bike rental!
Questions? Contact Ride Tyler at (903) 508-0100.
About Historic Tyler
Historic Tyler, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. Our mission is to promote the preservation and protection of historic structures and sites through advocacy, education, involvement, and public and private investment.