Keep Tyler Beautiful has added more new boxes as part of the Beauty and the Box program and is requesting sponsors for more boxes. Now the public can sponsor any electrical box with pre-approved artwork from Main Street Gallery or submit their own to be approved.
All artwork will be converted into a vinyl wrapping and installed on the electrical box. Artwork can be done in a broad range of media including, but not limited to, painting, photography, collage art, and mosaic art.
“Sponsored by: Organization’s Name” can be added at the bottom of the box. Costs are:
- Small Box Sponsorship $540 ($290 for the wrap + $250 artist stipend)
- Large Box Sponsorship $595 ($345 for the wrap + $250 artist stipend)
Sponsors have a choice of installation locations from those available.
The City of Tyler and Keep Tyler Beautiful launched this pilot program in 2016 by wrapping ten traffic utility boxes showcasing art designed by local artists. The program was met with so much positivity, the Keep Tyler Beautiful board decided to sponsor more boxes.
“The art on these utility boxes is fun and interesting,” said Keep Tyler Beautiful board chairman, Sarah Wruck. “It adds so much to the overall appeal of our community.”
Keep Tyler Beautiful aims to expand this program throughout the City of Tyler. While the first ten boxes were concentrated in the Downtown Business, Arts and Culture District, these two new boxes are spread about Tyler.
Local art may be considered upon request. All outside artwork must be approved. Please contact Amanda Taylor at or (903)593-6905 for more info about the approval process. Roksa
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