By Johnny Griffith For a genre of music that is often called “America’s Classical,” jazz is often seen as a genre not...
An Interview with David Allen, The Drifting Outlaw By Johnny Griffith Mainstream country music these days is designed to trick your senses...
By Johnny Griffith Bob Seger has a well known hit from the early 80’s called “Old Time Rock And Roll.” This song...
By Johnny Griffith In the music world there are all sorts of labels for musicians: guitarist, drummer, keyboardist, country artist, pop artist,...
Still Feeling Blue After All These Years By Johnny Griffith Edwin Holt caught a mad case of the blues about 30 years...
Cody Daniel: A Simple Choice, Family First By Johnny Griffith The life of a musician, committed to performing live, is a tricky...
By Johnny Griffith Growing up in the 80’s for me was a great time. There are much worse things than having...
By Johnny Griffith A long time ago I was sitting in a classroom in college listening to a speaker talk about success...
By Johnny Griffith It’s pretty much a given if you want to be a working musician, at some point you’re going to...
By Johnny Griffith There are voices…then there are voices. The kind that reaches down into your soul, grabs it, and pulls it...
By Johnny Griffith Most musicians have a side gig, it’s just a fact of life. It’s challenging to support yourself, much less...
By Johnny Griffith Matt and Megan Magill love the stage. From the moment they met on stage in Oklahoma City years ago,...