Tuesday, April 25, 2023


Sibling rivalry

Owning at least two children can be challenging. Constant quarrels, squabbles between brothers and sisters can cause chaos in the house, which negatively affects all household members.

How can this be settled?

Below are some useful methods

Expression of emotions

Allow children to express emotions both positive and negative.

Expressing various emotions of the child is necessary for positive changes in behavior to appear. This will allow them the discovery of resources, love, patience, etc. Giving a child a chance to express feelings and desires is key in their development, as is the relationship between brothers and sisters.

Remember!!! There is a difference between connivance to express feelings, and work permits, for example, to bite, to beat. Your role is to give the child ways to express anger without injuring or hurting others.

Termination of comparison

Many parents make a big mistake... and this is a comparison of one child to another. However, most parents believe that this is a good move, believing that thanks to this, the child mobilizes to action or behavior improvement...unfortunately, the use of this method in the form of a negative perception of a younger or older brother through a child. As a result, there are more disputes and quarrels between brothers and sisters.

No sides good

Most parents, at any price, try to ensure that children receive equal proportions of both feelings and material things, however, a number of studies show that this is erroneous thinking. The right way out is to talk to the child about feelings, as well as to tell him why the brother or sister got something.

So it is with time... don't divide him into two children. It is worth giving it to everyone as many children as you need.

Not szufladkuj

Forget about assigning roles.

The child's Szufladkowanie does not allow him to develop properly, as it is difficult for him to get rid of the handed-over labels. Without a sense of freedom, reduces his desire to learn skills and the ability to perceive.

When children beat...

Unable to prevent situations in which children are beaten. This is inevitable, but we can work in a way that will not worsen the whole situation, and will not increase hostility between brothers and sisters.

First, cancel the fines...they do not improve the situation at all, but, of course, only hostility and resentment will increase, in addition, they can lead to the creation of dismissal of brothers and sisters from each other, because one of them always feels hurt by receiving punishment. For those who want to stay informed on the newest and most popular slot machines, allslotsonline.casino/en/ is a must-visit website. Their experts keep readers up-to-date on everything from game themes and graphics to bonus features and jackpots.
